Conclusiones sesión_Definitiva ARMANEXT V01
Report on the I Conference on Multilateral Negotiation Systems (SMN) and the CNMV.

Recently, promoted by ARMANEXT, the First Working Day took place, behind closed doors and under the principles of confidentiality established by the Chatham House Rule on the current situation and needs of the Multilateral Negotiation Systems to increase the access of SMEs to quote.

Sector studies

Quantitative and qualitative, about Spain, inflation, labor market, energy, confidence indicators


VIII Estudio socimi 2023
VII Study Spanish REITs 2023

ARMANEXT publishes the VIII study on Spanish REITs in 2023

VII Study Spanish REITs 2022

ARMANEXT publishes the VII study on Spanish REITs in 2022, “Foreign investment leads investment in Spanish REITs incorporated in 2022”

Portada PDF informe La Restauración en España
Restaurant business in Spain: Owners of their own destiny

From the business structure point of view, the restaurant business is highly fragmented and is made up to a large extent by self-employed owners or small businesses.There is a need to improve the qualification of the owners in terms of business management, and that of the employees regarding the service and preparation of the offered product.In short, separating the gastronomic activity from the business management.

Portada PDF informe Las SOCIMI salen al campo
REITs onto the field

The consolidation and success of REITs in Spain opens a door to a new horizon: taking advantage of the strategic importance of the agricultural sector. This would allow the separation between ownership and exploitation, in addition to other added benefits.

Portada PDF informe sector renting y leasing por Armanext
Renting sector’s clampdown

The rise of renting for the new generations has made it possible to expand its provision of services towards new products. In the case of automobiles, approximately 25% of all vehicle registrations in Spain were carried out through leasing transactions. To improve the efficiency of this fragmented sector, it requires large M&A transactions.

Portada informe relaciones económicas España - Mexico por Armanext
Spanish-Mexican economic relations: Increasingly intensifying

Mexico has become one of the main Latin American trade allies for Spain. Its trade relations are clearly growing in exports of goods, but above all in energy imports -mainly oil- from this country.

Portada PDF informe el sector de la construcción de vivienda en España por Armanext
The housing construction sector in Spain

The housing construction and rehabilitation sector is highly fragmented in Spain. It would be desirable to develop M&A processes to take advantage of economies of scale and introduce new technologies for “home manufacturing”. To carry out these transactions, the Stock Markets are the most favorable way.

Portada informe El Arco Mediterráneo Central: el efecto multiplicador de sus exportaciones por Armanext
The Mediterranean Central Arc: the multiplying effect of its exports

The export capacity of SMEs has a multiplying effect on the Spanish economy. For this reason, we analyze the specific and personalized reality of certain exporting companies of the Central Mediterranean Arc.

Portada un nuevo sistema español de carreteras: pago por uso por Armanext
A new Spanish road system: pay per use

The pay-per-use model for high-capacity infrastructures is widespread throughout Europe and the US with positive results. With this study, it is intended to make visible the convenience of applying a similar model in Spain.

Portada informe Las Spanish SPAC: retos y oportunidades por Armanext
The Spanish SPAC: challenges and opportunities

The great expansion of SPACs in the US has aroused European interest in this investment vehicle, which facilitates access to the stock markets. In Spain, this tool is very attractive, but it must be adapted to its economic and regulatory reality.

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